Make-Up Work and Making Scars

Make-Up Work: Making Scars

Students in the Scars, Aging, and Make-Up Application class are exploring the different materials that are available to the special effects artist in the pursuit of making a variety of makeup applications.  The students started by experimenting with latex, using it on its own, then combining it with cotton and tissue paper, and other flocking materials to create different scars, wounds and injuries.  These materials yielded some very unique projects!

The next step is making something that is repeatable, for use in a film or theatre where continuity or close and accurate reproductions on different days is a necessity.  For that, students have made two sculptures and are molding them with ultracal, a hard gypsum based material.  After the molds are cleaned out, students are going to cast them with gelatin that they’ve created.  With a completed gelatin appliance, students will be able to create a repeatable scar, wound, or fishscale application!

Future projects will include the use of additional techniques and materials to create more special effects makeup!

Click on these images for a couple of short videos ofour students’ work and then keep scrolling for some cool scar photos!


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