Student Spotlight: Brianna Smith

Brianna Smith

Congratulations to Brianna Smith of Long Beach Schools on becoming a Scholar Artist.

She is studying Dance with Ms L’aura Bagdziunas and Ms. Natalie L’Etoile. Here’s more about Brianna:

Q. What does being named a Scholar Artist mean to you?

A. To me, being a Scholar Artist means exemplifying well roundedness in my academics, as well as my passion. Being able to say that I am a Scholar Artist is a huge honor and I feel so privileged to represent the dance community with this award. A Scholar Artist is somebody who represents strength and determination in their school lives, as well as their lives in the arts.

Q. Describe your experience so far at LIHSA. What are some of the highlights?

A. My experience at LIHSA has been amazing. The supportive community created by not only the staff, but the students as well, has been something I wish to hold on to forever. Some of the highlights definitely include the Spring Festival and the many student showcases throughout the year. Getting to see all the talent the school has is my favorite part of attending LIHSA. I am so lucky to be doing what I love at a place that I love.

Q. Do you have any particular teachers or mentors who inspire you? Why?

A. Every teacher I’ve ever had has had an impact on me in some way. A specific one is Ms. L’aura. Her dedication to her students is amazing and her talents in all aspects of the arts shines through daily. Getting to learn from her is a privilege. More mentors who inspire me are all of my teachers at my home studio, Magnolia Dance Academy. They have watched me grow over the past 15 years as a person and a dancer. I couldn’t be more grateful for all that they have taught me.

Q. How do you feel your experience at LIHSA has helped you to succeed?

A. My LIHSA experience so far has helped me prepare for life after college. The guidance we get, specifically in the dance department by Ms. L’aura and Ms. L’Etoile,  has taught me how to be adaptable, to stay determined always, and to most of all, be kind. For over a year, my experiences at LIHSA have shown me that stepping out of your comfort zone is the only way to grow.

Q. Are you planning to attend college? Where? What will you study?

After LISHA, my plan is to attend college. I’m going to try to achieve a BFA in dance. I’m not sure on the school yet, but I know I will be successful wherever I go.

Q. What career path do you hope to follow?

A. I hope to become a professional dancer! Whether that means concert dance or commercial dance, I do not know, but I do know that dance will always be apart of my life in someway.

Q. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

A. In 10 years, I will be 27. I see myself dancing with a touring company of some sort and getting to see the world while dancing on as many stages as I can.

Q. Is there anything else you would like to add?

A. I want to thank all of the people that have gotten me to where I am today, especially my parents. Without their support and guidance, I would not be the person, and dancer that I am today.

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