Portfolio Review at the Heckscher: October 2022

Each October, the Heckscher Museum offers a Portfolio Review series for high school students preparing for the college admissions process. Several LIHSA fine art students attended this year

Lilia Landeverde, a fine art student from Glen Cove reflected on the experience, “Sharing my work with professionals was very helpful. It helped me to figure out what pieces to put in my portfolio and what to improve about them.” Lilia’s goals after LIHSA are to attend an art college to study illustration and then work in the art world.

Bin Lan, a fine art student from Syosset, also attended the review and appreciated the feedback about his portfolio stating, “Most of the representatives give a lot of feedback on portfolio and what needs to be added like more work from life or more creative art pieces. Most helpful feedback was some of my figure drawings: I was told to draw the hand and feet more and faces more detailed. It was scary for me to share my work. It was really nerve-wracking.  My work is very personal to me and I have trouble explaining my work to other people. I prefer for people to have their own interpretations.”

We will look forward to seeing work from our art students as the year continues!



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