A Closer Look at the AP Artwork of Alex Crane
Alex Crane is a third-year junior from Half Hallow Hills studying Visual Arts at LIHSA.
When asked what they love most about LIHSA, Alex replied, “The environment! Instead of an environment of jealousy, LIHSA students help each other to get better by sharing their strengths and knowledge with one another.” He reflected about the growth they experienced over the past two years thanks to upperclassmen. “They helped me understand color theory and undertones.”
The series here is called “Legacy” and is formatted like Marvel with various characters and storylines that interact and play into one another. “Legacy” is set in a present-day universe with altered genetics and human mutations but the focus is on the villains and mental health.
Alex’s work was inspired by early Marvel Comic Books. His style is mostly cross-hatching. His preferred materials are pen and ink, and occasionally creates digital artwork. Please scroll down to view a few of his recent pieces.