Outstanding Senior Lillian Fleischer

If you haven’t met Lillian Fleischer yet, it’s only a matter of time before you see her name in lights. A Harborfields local and a 1st year Senior Musical Theater student at LIHSA, Lillian’s journey is as unique as the roles she plays.

After Our Lady of Mercy Academy closed at the end of her junior year, Lillian had to make a bold choice: find a new school or immerse herself in the arts. She chose the latter, joining LIHSA for its incredible arts education, and she’s been thriving ever since. “The best thing I’ve learned at LIHSA is that casting directors don’t want to see a carbon copy of the same person—they want someone fresh and unique,” she says. “It’s important to stay true to yourself while also being open to direction and accepting constructive criticism.”

Classes with Kim Larkin, Chris Brick, and Natalie L’Etoile have provided her the opportunity to work alongside guest artists like Joe Iconis and Ashley Eichbauer Newman. This semester, Lillian performed in Family Album and Winter Festival: Dance on the LIHSA stage.

Looking ahead, Lillian plans to pursue acting for TV and film, with an English or Creative Writing minor. She’s not just an actor—she’s also a writer. Over the summer, Lillian earned her Girl Scout Gold Award by writing a play focused on increasing awareness of the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth. Her work not only showcased her talent, but her confidence in using arts for advocacy.

To all incoming LIHSA students, Lillian offers this advice: “You only get out of this experience what you put into it. Work hard, absorb everything, and remember how lucky you are to do what you love every day.”

In 10 years, Lillian envisions herself making waves in the entertainment industry, building relationships and continuing to grow as an artist. With her unique approach and determination, she’s certainly on the path to success.