Admissions Process
Before you get started, be sure to view our upcoming admissions events!
Step 1
This step is done by students who are interested in applying. After this step is completed, Ms. Rogan will reach out to the student, their families, and their district guidance counselors. At this time, she will also provide instructions on completing the digital audition/portfolio submission.
Step 2
Digital auditions/portfolio submissions are required for the following programs at LIHSA:
- Musical Theatre
- Theatre
- Dance
- Instrumental Music
- Vocal Music
- Visual Media Arts
Think of them as auditions or interviews! Students should read the directions clearly and submit their most professional and best work. If we do not receive your audition/portfolio material two weeks after your Expressing Interest Form, Ms. Rogan will reach out with a reminder that it is past due.
Once LIHSA receives the student’s audition/portfolio materials. the respective departments, administration, and guidance will review.
Two weeks after the student uploads their audition/portfolio materials, LIHSA will inform the student that the committee has reviewed their Artistic Screening.
Step 3
Trouble signing into the Nassau BOCES application portal? Email for assistance.