A Closer Look at the AP Artwork of Arianne Hernandez

A Closer Look at the AP Artwork of Arianne Hernandez




Artist Statement

Arianne Hernandez“My name is Arianne Hernandez. I’m currently a senior at Long Island high school for the arts in the visual arts program. Throughout my year at LIHSA I have been fortunate enough to have been taught new techniques and have been given the opportunity to better my artistic skills. Provided are the most recent artworks that I have created for my AP Art portfolio class. This art class requires students to have a recurring theme throughout their art pieces. The theme that I have chosen revolves around Spanish heritage and my family. It shows the viewer my personal experiences that I have lived in my hispanic household. The purpose of my art pieces was to be able to be an outlet for me to express my underlying feelings and emotions through my adolescent years. For the viewer my intention is to have one relate or have a sense of sympathy for how ethnic children have to go through many hardships in their family.”

– Arianne Hernandez

Arianne Hernandez is a Senior from Deer Park


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