A Look at the Dance Buddies Program: Winter 2024

Through the years, the Dance Buddies at LIHSA have partnered with Rosemary Kennedy students for an unforgettable experience of working together to create original dance performances. This year, the Dance Buddies Program is back and dancers are busy preparing for spring performances at the George Farber Awards and Rosemary Kennedy School.
Lena Umbrino, a junior from Kings Park is studying dance at LIHSA. She participates because, “When I’m older I want to teach dance to kids like them. Some of the kids have disabilities that they need to work with and we get to work with them to teach them how to dance.”
Riley Smith, a junior from Wantaugh also studies musical theater. She shared that she, “Worked for a camp for special needs camp over the summer, and I’m so happy to be working with special needs students again.”
Josh Amy of East Meadow is a junior studying musical theatre. He loves participating in Dance Buddies because he especially likes, “Seeing the light in the faces when thy come. They are genuinely having so much fun. It’s just so nice to see.”