Dismissal Diaries with Ms. Giglio Pac: Chaya Letellier
If you think bus dismissals aren’t fun, you clearly haven’t experienced this daily process with Ms. Giglio Pac, LIHSA’s Assistant Principal.
This new blog will feature news, ideas, or thoughts from a LIHSA Student as they share a few moments of quality time with Ms. Giglio Pac during the hectic time of bus dismissal.
Read on and enjoy this slice of LIHSA Life!
April 14, 2022
This week Chaya Letellier, a junior from Glen Cove studying Production Managerial Arts, spent time time with Ms. Giglio Pac to discuss some of his recent exciting projects!
Chaya shared that he started using a sewing machine in class, which was his first time using one. He found it difficult but was excited to learn the new skill. His project was to create a “regular” shoulder bag, but he made a mistake. This mistake turned out to be a “happy accident,” and he’s proud of the cross-body bag he created.
Though this was his first time on a sewing machine, he plans to get better with practice, and to learn hand-sewing too.
Chaya credits his teacher, Erik Chocianowski, with teaching him how to sew. “Erik is the man. He can do anything. He is THAT guy!”
Well, we can’t wait to see what THAT guy, Chaya, creates next!
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