Dismissal Diaries with Ms. Giglio Pac: Gia Cellucci

If you think bus dismissals aren’t fun, you clearly haven’t experienced this daily process with Ms. Giglio Pac, LIHSA’s Assistant Principal.

This new blog will feature news, ideas, or thoughts from a LIHSA Student as they share a few moments of quality time with Ms. Giglio Pac during the hectic time of bus dismissal.

Read on and enjoy this slice of LIHSA Life!


March 4, 2022

This week, Gia Cellucci, a junior from Smithtown spent time time with Ms. Giglio Pac to share the exciting news that she’s been cast in an Opera!

Gia will play the role of Cissie in Stony Brook Opera’s production of Albert Herring. She has already been rehearsing with other high school and middle school students and is very excited to meet the rest of the cast (adult actors) and the maestro next week. It’s a large production of about forty cast, musicians and crew, full set and costumes, and will be performed this spring.  Stay tuned for more information. Break a leg, Gia!

About the Opera: Albert Herring was composed in 1947 by Benjamin Britten and was his second chamber opera. It’s a comedic opera set in an imaginary East Suffolk town not far from where Britten was raised.



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