Dismissal Diaries with Ms. Giglio Pac: Jared Alequin
If you think bus dismissals aren’t fun, you clearly haven’t experienced this daily process with Ms. Giglio Pac, LIHSA’s Assistant Principal.
This new blog will feature news, ideas, or thoughts from a LIHSA Student as they share a few moments of quality time with Ms. Giglio Pac during the hectic time of bus dismissal.
Read on and enjoy this slice of LIHSA Life!
May 20, 2022
This week Jared Alequin, a senior from Carle Place, spent time with Ms. Giglio Pac to discuss what projects are coming up for him.
Jared is a dancer and has been part of a competitive team at his dance studio for the past seven years. He’s sad to see that coming to an end, as well as ending his third and final year at LIHSA. He credits LIHSA for being a safe space for him with its inclusive environment and changing his outlook on how he sees the world.
Jared’s exciting next step is that he’ll be attending Juilliard to begin work on his BFA in Dance in the fall. While typically the school admits twelve females and twelve males, the incoming freshman dance class will be eight males and sixteen females.
Ms. Giglio Pac asked Jared what his advice would be for incoming students. He emphasized how he recommends all students be open-minded about their LIHSA classes. There were several that he never thought he’d take, but was glad he kept an open mind and had such a wonderful experience at the school.
We’re going to miss you, Jared!
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