Dismissal Diaries with Ms. Giglio Pac: Logan Petracca
If you think bus dismissals aren’t fun, you clearly haven’t experienced this daily process with Ms. Giglio Pac, LIHSA’s Assistant Principal.
This new blog will feature news, ideas, or thoughts from a LIHSA Student as they share a few moments of quality time with Ms. Giglio Pac during the hectic time of bus dismissal.
Read on and enjoy this slice of LIHSA Life!
January 28, 2022
This week’s edition of “Dismissal Diaries” features a conversation with Logan Petracca, a junior from Wantagh School District.
Logan is a musician, a visual artist and a fashionista.
As a music producer, Logan is creating beats and recording vocals and has their own YouTube Channel.
They are working on a number of projects at home and will also be posting to Instagram when they are complete. Please be sure to follow Logan’s Instagram.
Let’s see how many likes and subscribes we can get for Logan! We can’t wait to see their new projects when they are ready to be shared!
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