Getting to Know You: Kristi McCaffrey
Getting to Know You….Our New School Nurse Kristi McCaffrey

LIHSA is excited to welcome another new face this fall! Our School, Nurse Kristi McCaffrey, is a wonderful new addition to our staff.
Nurse McCaffrey received her bachelor’s degree in Nursing from Farmingdale State College and comes to LIHSA with more than 19 years nursing experience. She worked for a Level 1 Trauma Center that included time in the Surgical Unit, Burn Unit, and more than 16 years in the Emergency Room.
Nurse McCaffrey was familiar with LIHSA before taking this position because her daughter’s dance school performed in our Seymour Weiner Theatre and her daughter also participated in our Summer Programs. She loves the LIHSA environment sharing, “It’s fabulous and a great opportunity for students who are talented and are able to shine. The people here are warm, inviting, and nurturing.”
When Nurse McCaffrey isn’t working, she and her family love to travel together. They’ve been many places around the world including Spain, Morocco and have made multiple trips to Ireland. She and her husband have Irish roots (her family is from Donegal) and each visit to the country has been a good experience. She also loves kayaking on the beach during the summer.
Nurse McCaffrey doesn’t have much time to relax. Her after-work hours are filled attending her daughters’ cross-country and track meets and she’s also pursuing a masters degree in nursing at Hunter College.
Please be sure to get to know Nurse McCaffrey!