Introducing Stage Manager Taylor Mankowski

LIHSA Welcomes Stage Manager Taylor Mankowski


LIHSA is lucky to have Taylor Mankowski as an artist in residence this year. She is working with all performing arts students on stage management skills that they need for their industry assessment exams.


After graduating from Walt Whitman High School, Taylor went to Quinnipiac University to pursue a degree in Mass Communications.

Early Work

Upon graduation, she began working at News 12 on Long Island as a Master Control Operator. Her major focus in this role was to act as quality control and monitor the audio and visual to ensure everything that views see looks and sounds correct. In her 10 years at News 12, she also focused on trouble shooting on the live news shows. She would ensure timing was correct and how to transition in and out to live, breaking news items. She recalls that weather was always a big event that could quickly become a major news focus.


Taylor left News 12 in 2018 to begin freelancing at different organizations throughout Long island, New York City and sometimes further. She earned her equity card through being “jobbed in” in 2007, working as a stage manager for a musical comedy in Connecticut called Crack Free Handyman. She is very proud to be part of the equity association, but she recommends that others who are should always make sure they have their next job lined up since once you are equity, you can’t work non-equity. Now she works in theatres all over, including being hired to work with pervious school contacts from Quinnipiac and enjoys the variety.

Work with LIHSA

Taylor works with the Docudrama; Songwriting; Hip Hop and Isadora Duncan Dance classes. Each of those students need practical skills for their practical NOCTI exam so she focuses on taping out floors, blocking notes, lighting, and sound cues.

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