LIHSA Students Perform in Tilles Center Atrium – May 2024

Musical Theatre students were recently invited to perform at the Tilles Center for the Performing Arts prior to a stellar performance from the National Tour of Jesus Christ Superstar. Students entertained guests in the theatre’s atrium with numbers from shows such as WaitressChicago, and Aladdin. One patron stopped the singers between sets to tell them that they have a long future in the arts ahead of them! The LIHSA community is very much in agreement with his sentiment.


“Everyone I went with enjoyed it and every child was so talented,” said Ms. Falco, junior Daniella Falco’s mother. “[I appreciate that] going to LIHSA gives my daughter opportunities such as these.”


“That was an experience that can definitely take them to the next level to where they want to go,” said Mr. Falco. “I look forward to watching Daniella grow and hone her craft at LIHSA even more. She loves every second of it.”


“Performing at the Tilles Center was really fun and I liked watching my friends perform,” says Ollie Mauer, who performed “What Do I Need With Love?” from Thoroughly Modern Millie. “I thought it was so nice of them to invite us and I hope that we get to go back and do it again one day.”


Mauer is appreciative of the many unique experiences he has had this year. “I’m so grateful to LIHSA for providing us with these different opportunities to perform outside of school in different professional settings.”


LIHSA would like to thank Stephanie Turner, Megan Montemurro, and everyone at the Tilles Center for their thoughtfulness in helping to curate such a special opportunity! (Keep scrolling to see photos).