LIHSA students visit Orkestai Farm
On Wednesday, October 20th, our Acting for Commercials students visited the idyllic Orkestai Farm, an inclusive educational farm and arts environment in Oyster Bay.
The goal of our visit was to shoot video and interviews and ultimately create commercials highlighting this unique community supported CSA farm in the heart of Nassau County.
Community-supported agriculture (CSA) or cropsharing is a system that connects the producer and consumers within the food system more closely by allowing the consumer to subscribe to the harvest of a certain farm or group of farms.
Orkestai Directors Alethea and Josh gave our students a tour and allowed them to enjoy some of the delicious fall harvest.
We even got our hands dirty and participated in pulling up a crop of carrots!
LIHSA students shot video, conducted interviews with the team and captured the essence of this incredible place.
Before we left, our students joined the Orkestai Farm staff for a stretch and meditation, giving us the chance to listen to the wind and birds and breathe in the fresh farm air.
We look forward to seeing the end result of our project soon, but the experience will certainly stay with our students who were part of it.