Visual Media Arts

Painting of an angel
Female student drawing a portrait in charcoal

Visual Media Arts

The Visual Arts Program features a studio-based curriculum, with hands-on studio assignments supplemented by a broad introduction to art history, theory, criticism, and aesthetics.  Our Visual Arts faculty members are practicing artists who instruct in their own areas of expertise as well as create their own work throughout the school year. Practicing their art while teaching it, faculty members cultivate a community of creation within the Fine Arts studios.


Courses include: 

  • AP Studio Art
  • Relief Printmaking
  • Monotype Printmaking
  • Intaglio Printmaking
  • Live Figure Drawing Class
  • Digital Studio Art History: Paleolithic
  • Digital Studio Art History: Renaissance
  • Art & Activism


My time at LIHSA was among the most challenging I’ve experiences and one of the most meaningful things I’ve ever accomplished.


Alumni Success

Making an Impact

Artist Andy Friedman
Group of dancers performing on stage
As a student of the Long Island High School for the Arts, I was given the insight, guidance, and freedom to explore the extent of my artistic interests, and instill an early artistic confidence that prepared me for the vigorous spiritual, academic, and career challenges of art school and beyond.

Andy Friedman, Class of ’93

The rapidly evolving global economy demands a dynamic and creative workforce. The arts and its related businesses are responsible for billions of dollars in cultural exports for this country. It is imperative that we continue to support the arts and arts education both on the national and local levels. The strength of every democracy is measured by its commitment to the arts.

Charles Segars, CEO of Ovation

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