School District Member
Taking artistic coursework in a traditional high school does not prepare students in the same way a defined program of career and technical study in the arts does.
LIHSA provides a highly disciplined and similarly skilled community of peers, critical mentors, and potential networks of professional artists. Emerging professional artists benefit from a school and community members who identify and develop their interests and provide requisite preprofessional training.
Through projects, artistic residencies, field trips, participation in exhibitions and events, students have regular engagement with working professionals. The creative journey is personal, but also shared, and the interactions that students have with staff and each other feed their learning. Finally, there are equity issues at play. LIHSA believes widening participation is essential to ensure that, regardless of background, people with creative potential can progress to the creative and cultural industry sector
Careers in the creative sector are thriving in New York State, require rigorous training, and deserve the same consideration as other career pathways.
Admissions Process
Students are accepted to LIHSA’s half day program upon referral by their home schools and successful completion of an audition or portfolio review. Once an application is received, prospective students have an observer checklist completed, they complete a display of work portfolio and/or prepare for an audition and then undergo an evaluation of their display of work using an approved scoring rubric. Fair, accurate and consistent evaluations of student work are critical in LIHSA’s screening and identification process.

Post-Secondary Planning & Articulation
LIHSA has dual credit coursework with several local post-secondary institutions. Including: Five Town College, Molloy College and the Roundabout Theatre Company. Further, applying to specialized post-secondary arts programs requires additional elements beyond what is typically required. In today’s economy, most students seeking careers in the creative industries will benefit from a post-secondary degree. Students at LIHSA gain exposure to the elements of the application process early, as well as targeted counseling and support in the college process. For the past several years LIHSA has hosted a college fair with 50 colleges that have strong programs in the arts.

Physical Space
LIHSA’s campus was designed from the onset to be a facility that caters to preparation for careers in the arts. LIHSA’s 38,000 square feet of studios and workshops across three buildings are filled with professional workspaces and facilities. LIHSA has four dance studios on campus, a larger theatre that holds 350 audience members with lighting and sound equipment, two smaller black box theatres, an audio-recording studio, numerous classroom spaces, practice rooms, art studios, film editing room, dark room, digital music space and a carpentry shop for scenic design. Significant investment has led to a complete renovation of six classroom spaces which were fitted with special acoustic tile, new maple flooring in two dance studios, a refurbishment of the wood floor in the other two, and an additional gallery wall space added. Through a $100,000 grant from Exploring the Arts, we were able to procure relevant modern equipment as well as technical advice on how to reimagine a cutting-edge music program for aspiring professional musicians.